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Confirmation Class

Welcome to 8th Grade confirmation. Students here explore what it means to be a follower of Christ and to ultimately be confirmed in that faith.

What is Confirmation?

The following is the description of confirmation in the Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order, the “constitution” of our denomination.

W-4.0203 Confirming and Commissioning 

When those who have been baptized as children are ready to make a public profession of faith and accept the responsibility of life in the church (sometimes called “confirmation”), the session shall provide an opportunity for them to do so. They are to be instructed in the faith, examined by the session, received as active members, and presented to the congregation in public worship. At this time, they

  • reaffirm the vows of Baptism by renouncing evil and affirming their reliance on God’s grace,

  • professing their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,

  • and declaring their intent to participate actively and responsibly in the worship, life, governance, and mission of the church. On such occasions, it is fitting for all worshipers to reaffirm the baptismal covenant.



This year we are moving through "The New City Catechism. This curriculum centers itself around 52 questions we all have about the bible, faith, and Christ.

Reading Bible

Study & Devotions

Students will be encouraged to take notes on Sunday sermons. They will study the bible through out the week. They will learn to engage their faith through prayer and devotion.

Team work

Works & Faith Collide

Before being confirmed students will learn how to be leaders in the worship community and how to take their faith outside the walls of the church.

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