You are welcome to join us every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. for regular morning worship services. Sunday School follows the church service.
Large print bulletins and hearing assistive devices are available. If you would like one, please pick one up as you come into the sanctuary.
Confessions & The Word
Weekly we confess our sins and affirm our faith together. We pray, listen, and love as one community of faith. We hear the scripture proclaimed and the truth of the gospel and how it applies to our lives.
Communion is available during worship services on Maundy Thursday (April 17th), and the first Sundays of June, August, October, and December, and February. Everyone is welcome to participate. Communion is offered to shut-ins or home bound individuals upon request.
Question's about baptism can be directed to Pastor Robert Brooks.
The music programs of the church carry on a long-standing tradition of quality. The sanctuary choir has been ably assisting in worship for many decades, as well as offering a Christmas concert each year during Advent.
There is also a Sunday School choir and an active hand-bell choir, each of which provides worship music from time to time.
Music for worship services and special occasions are a joint effort between members of our choir, our choir director & organist, Janice Palmer, (605-853-3198 and our bell choir director, Ray Caffee. If you are interested in joining the choir or bell choir, please contact Janice or Ray. We always have room for one more!